February Bottle Exchange / Échange de bouteilles de février

If you’re careful you should be OK. You don’t need a lot of milk. I tend to “hairspray” my labels now anyway.

I don’t bottle but I have labels for my taps and they get handled a lot.


Ca aussi c’est beautiful

La pale ale de Tristan

Merci! Et j’aime ton verre!

De qui vient la Southside IPA? J’aimerais la noter dans SampleOx.

Salut Norm, c’est moi qui a fait le Southside IPA. :slight_smile:

Hey Ian, The OG for that brew was 1.053 (target was 1.056) and FG was 1.012 for a final ABV of 5.4%.

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Got some valuable feedback about my Southside IPA. Norm picked up on a significant diacetyl off-flavour that I had missed cause I kinda rushed the end of the fermentation (fearing hop creep and a lower than desireable FG) and jumped the beers into bottles to get them out to the exchange. I didn’t drink any in the last week since I was out of town.
Any suggestions about what to do? Norm and I discussed pulling the keg out of the fridge for a week or so. By letting it warm up, will the remaining yeast in suspension take care of the job. Thoughts?



Halfway through the beers from the bottle swap and every single one was very tasty thus far!
Looking forward to the next one :wink:

La voila la Southside IPA

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Hi Kurt, is this your beer?

Drinking it right now, quite enjoyable!

Hi Xavier! Yes indeed, the Irish red is mine. I’m very glad you’re enjoying it!

BTW, if anyone does decide to brew it, please let me know! I’d love to get a sample of the same recipe made by another brewer.


Hi Kurt. It seems like the diacetyl might actually be a result of hop creep. There’s some interesting stuff in this PDF that might be helpful. https://www.brewersassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/CBC-Online-Seminar-Presentation-Hop-Creep-What-It-Is-and-Approaches-to-Managing-It.pdf

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The SampleOx trial is now over… For those that used it, what did you think? Do you think it’s worth the club spending money on?

I didn’t participate but the fact that it’s only available as a smartphone app (no web or desktop version) means that certain luddites (ahem) wouldn’t be able to contribute. If people found it useful perhaps there’s a similar software that’s more open to everyone.

J’ai bien aimé l’interface utilisateur. C’était facile d’usage et assez intuitif. Je me suis senti peut-être un peu prisonnier des options dans les saveurs à rapporter, mais ce faire guider peut parfois aider.

J’aurais aimé avoir une section “Commentaires généraux” où j’aurais pu mentionner quelques détails additionnels.

Je suis toutefois d’accord avec @MarcGuay. Une plateforme plus “ouverte” et accessible serait mieux. Et ça ne me dérange pas que les autres savent que c’est moi qui ai inscrit tel ou tel commentaire (pas besoin que ça soit anonyme).

Did it improvd after a week at room temp?

The keg just went back in the fridge, so I don’t know yet. I also stored a bottle alongside the keg to be able to do a side by side comparison.
Quite honestly, I’ve tried the keg and bottles and I don’t taste the diacetyl. I may be blind to that flavour.

Interesting, but I found it a little frustrating that I couldn’t see the results unless I was reviewing a beer. Is there no final result summary made available for the completed tastings that could be shared?

I’m less concerned about the limits to it being a phone/tablet app and not having a web solution. It’s not ideal, but probably not a deal breaker for most.

Je ne l’ai pas utiliser énormément mais en gros c’est ça que je pense qu’il manquait le plus au app pour donner un feedback complet.

On the administrator side, I could pull specific sections (e.g. the Flavor/Aroma for X beer, etc.) one at a time (or compare across beers if we were all doing the same style), but I didn’t see any way to get all the information on one beer out in a clear way. I thought that would be available without a doubt.

I’m talking to the rep tomorrow afternoon to breakdown what we thought and see if I missed anything. I’ll let you know what we find.

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