Échange Calendrier de l’Avent/Advent calender bottle swap

Norm, it looks like you’ve tried to include some of your great beer porn (there’s a large white space in the message) but I can’t see it - anyone else have the same problem?


Same missing beer porn reported here too.
@ericpare so smooth and rich. We found it extremely drinkable :+1: I think we were craving roast malt flavors. The rye blends in perfectly, I didn’t realize it was there but definitely contributes to the profile.

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Yep, same here.

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Fixed… For me at least

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I enjoyed Luc’s stout earlier tonight. There are few things I like more than a dry roasty stout. Thanks!

I’m excited to try Eric’s banana bread beer. Based on the ingredients, it sounds like was this an Iron Brewer entry? Am I allowed to ask this? Not contravening competition rules?

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J’ai rattrapé le retard dans mon calendrier de l’avent! Bon travail @LucLeStout et @ericpare , j’ai enjoyé vos bières, 2 belles réussites.

@LucLeStout , est-ce la recette que tu m’as déjà refilé dans le passé? J’avais justement omis le lactose…

Meme chose pour moi… la saison de @PatLalonde et le Stout de @LucLeStout toutes les 2 délicieuses! Je ne brasse de Stout, pas mon style préféré mais celle-ci, je l’ai bien aimé.

Pour la recette du Stout à Luc, oui, c’est sa recette du clone Left Hand Brewing. (voir post #56)

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Exact, je l’ai brassé de la même façon que toi sans lactose. J’étais curieux de voir la différence!

Je fais du rattrapage ce soir!

@PatLalonde Ta saison était bonne, très rafraichissante!

@ericpare Très intéressante comme bière, complexe, maltée et délicieuse. Comme les autres on dit: une touski qui est très bien réussi!

@LucLeStout Pis, quelle version tu préfères?

That’s like asking which child you like more, you can never answer that!

Sérieusement, la nostalgie est forte pour celle au lactose car c’est la première stout j’ai bien réussi mais je pense préférer celle sans lactose. Faudrait je rebrasse pour comparer car ça fait quand même déjà quelques années depuis.

Beer #9 - Sam’s Dry-hopped Single - I can’t remember if I ever drank a commercial Trappist single before. I compared it with the BJCP guide.

To me, the aroma was odd. I could not put my finger on it but I was looking for a little bit more fruity. I think I got some spices but i’m not sure (dry hop?). The flavor, it was dry but I was expecting more character from the yeast. I finished it trying to figured out what wrong but I’m so bad at this. If anyone can share their experience so everyone can learn would be awesome.

Thanks for sharing!

I didn’t remember it wasn’t a dark mild anymore so i thought it was the worst dark mild i ever had…

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Fidèle a ta réputation, tu lis et tu oublies, hahahah

Never had a single but I found the beer light and pleasant.

I will say like Eric, something seemed a little off with the aroma. Faint tuna sandwich is the best way I could describe it? :thinking:

In any case, I went for a sip while typing this but my glass was empty so it couldn’t have been that bad! Thanks Sam!

I also picked up on something like sulfur in the aroma (but still drank it all so can’t be that bad!). For fun I’ll guess the yeats is Lallemand Abbaye.

As usual Sam: gorgeous labeling.

The beer is well carbonated, rather dry and a little malty. I can’t get much of the hoppiness from the dry hop.

Too me it’s refreshing but it lacks some character. But fortunately, I don’t get the tuna sandwich flavour!

I believe Sam shared a Belgian single with us in a bottle exchange. Am I right? I remember really liking it.

I cant remember if it was from a previous exchange but you’re right! He gave me a Single last october and it was really good! (i looked back my sms to him and it was october 28th). Is it the same batch… this, i dont know.

I also remember his previous swap Singel being excellent.

I sampled one of the random MALT entries that was in my box and it was really good. A Belgian Dubbel with wet hops, summer squash, basil, ginger, and orange peel. The aroma was a spectacular mix of spices and Belgian yeastiness and rich malt. The flavour was a bit weird because the squash stuck out too much, but otherwise it was amazing like the nose. I’d still like to see the recipe if whoever brewed this is willing to share.

BEER #9 : After reading the other comments on this beer, I just had to open it. Here goes… pleasant (no tuna sandwich), I get a particular malt taste, but I don’t know which. Easy drinking. DenisG