Looking for / Recherche Hop Rhizome

Hello gang,

Looking for planting some hops this year.

I think that time of the year is coming where you need to split your rhizomes.

Before i buy a plant from Houblon Franklyn somebody is splitting cascade, alpharoma ( never heard of that one but description look good!) or something similar?

No issue paying in money or beer! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll have Chinook Rhizomes soon if you’re intersted. A very vigorous plant.


I might have a cascade and a Cashmere rhizome available, need to check on them first

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I’m looking for some, pref centennial or cascade if anyone finds a good source!

I can probably dig a solid handful of rhizomes from my Cascade this year, it is all over the place :slight_smile: I am in Hochelaga and they cost a beer each :slight_smile:

Contact me, I have both in my backyard. They will be ready soon

I have Triple Perle. Very similar to Perle but with higher Alpha %. Let me know if you are interested.

I am recycling this post!
Does anyone have rhizomes to share by any chance?

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I’ll have some clippings ready soon to give away (both Cascade and Centennial varietals). I got my Cascade plant from a single clipping last year, and it grew over 10 meters high!

I’ll post here once the shoots are long enough to cut them. At the current growing rate, I suspect in less than a week!

And FYI, it’s quite easy to grow hops vines from clippings.

Ouin… parlant de clipping… ya un esti écureuil qui venu croquer ma plus grosse tige. Je vais faire des brochettes kebab avec eux…

Merci de l’info… avoir su avant, j’aurais tenter de la récupérer.

I have Chinook rhizomes to give away for anyone willing to visit me in NDG. The plant is super strong and easily grows 14-18 feet tall.

I’m too far away from Montreal now (2h45 by car), but I’m searching for rhizomes too!
Could one of you send me one? (Any variety, it will be my first one!)
I will of course pay for it, with a bonus for the rhizome!

I’m selling hop crowns on Bazar du Brasseur on Facebook. Here’s my ad. Tons of photos on there! https://www.facebook.com/groups/808588615953404/permalink/2879146202230958/?sale_post_id=2879146202230958

Hi Guillaume,

I could potentially mail you a rhizome, but I’m not certain they’ll survive the trip. They aren’t dormant anymore. If you’re game to take the risk, I’ll look around my house for an appropriate size box to package it in and let you know what I expect it to cost to ship it to you. PM me your address.


I’ve shipped and received rhizomes a few times. They travel well. You can just wrap it in a wet paper towel inside a plastic bag. It will survive the trip this time of year.


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Oh that’s really good to know, thanks @DenisB!
I was trying to see if I could find another option…
@kurthoughton I’ll contact you in PM tomorrow morning :wink:

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J’ai coupé quelques pousses et je les ai mises dans l’eau. C’est à donner : variétés Cascade et Centennial.

Je t’en réserve @Yac.b ?

Sinon, y aurait-il d’autres gens intéressés ?

Lorsque je poussais du houblon, je donnais des rhizomes. Généralement, je devais en couper puisque le Cascade se propageait beaucoup trop.

Je le sais que tu peux en partir par des tiges mais c’est plus solide avec un rhizome.


Première tentative à vie! Je viens de planter un rhizome de Challenger et un rhizome de Hallertau Mittelfrüh. À suivre.


attention a la proximité de la thermopompe. Les houblons pouce telement rapide, je jure que si tu regardes assez fort tu peux les voir grandir juste devant tes yeux. :slight_smile:

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