I’m down for the CSi recipe and a group buy with escarpment, if that’s an option. Otherwise we can see what we can arrange with Mout for all the ingredients. I agree with Norm, substituting other european pils or pale malt shouldn’t really be a problem.
Since we’ll need to arrange this soon, I’ll target the 29th of July to go to Mout. Those of you that would like to be in on the group buy, let me know. I’m in NDG.
I’m in for a group buy.
A couple of questions:
- So how many yeast packs do we want? 1? 2? I want to consider those who can’t make a starter. I’ll make the escarpment order tomorrow for whatever we chose x12.
- D-180 may be hard to come by in large quantities. Also I’m not sure if mout carries this. We may want to consider hard candi sugar or maybe another product. I’ve seen a different candi product in bulk at mout. I’ll inquire tomorrow. At the same time I’ll see if they have any Belgian malt and advise them Kurt will be handling a group buy.
I’m in for the group buy and I can make a yeast starter !
Copying as it also applies to me: I’m in for the group buy and I can make a yeast starter !
Count me in too!
Just got off the phone with Mout to ask about ingredients and to make my own order. They did not have any Belgian Pils or Pale malts in stock. They do have some Weyermann and BestMalz Pils and some Franco Belge Pale. I went with the Weyermann and Franco.
As for Candi sugar they have a 25kg of DARK 2 BELGIAN CANDI SYRUP or we could go with the BELGIAN CANDY CRYSTALS - DARK. I have also reached out to Candi Syrup to see if we could order a pail of D-180. The D2 is not as dark as the D-180, but is readily available and is actually a Belgian product.
Just got an update from Escarpment:
We are propping a tank of West Abbey Aug 9, so it should be harvested the following week and ready to ship the week after, heading out to you all in the tail half of August.
Does brewing at the end of August work or should we look at another option?
Awesome! Thanks for doing this work! I like the syrup. The description sounds great.
As for the yeast, i can brew around then.
Sounds good for me! We should aim for 2 pouches per 19-20 liter batch in order to have enough yeast for this high gravity wort. Or make a good starter with a single pouch.
It probably won’t work for me. I’ll give my place to @MarioM not a problem.
Ca ne sera pas possible pour moi. Je serai en vacances a partir du 31 aout. Le temps de recevoir les ingredients/levure/starter… cest trop short… Je pourrais assister/participer a la journee de brasse d"un participant qui fait 40+ litres et partager les couts des ingredients (wink wink @PatLalonde ).
J’embarque pour le group by pour le sirop et pour un sac de levure (starter).
@ericpare ; avec plaisir ! Si tu embarques je ferais un 60L. Target brew date le 23 ou 30 Août.
Thanks Terry.
un groupe buy est une bonne idée .
pour ma par 2 levure pour moi je ne fait pas de starter .
idée est de faire une bonne bière au final … donc avec des ingrédients substitue ne semble pas un problème pour moi .
si les ingrédients sont acheté le 29 juillet je ne vais pas être a Montréal mais je reviens entre le 30 et le 1er aout , donc si quelqu’un peut ramasser les ingrédients pour moi ce serrai bien gentil (je suis de Chateauguay et j’ai moyen de me déplacer mais idéalement pas trop loin non plus ) .
pour finir si ont brasse tous 19 litre de bières somme nous correct pour remplir et garder le baril plein pour le temps de maturation . je suis a me questionné si je fait 10 gallon de bières
je laisse ce lien question de controverse et avoir votre expérience la dessus (mon impression est que les micro en général utilise du sucre de table ) : | Belgian Candi Sugar Vs. Table Sugar – For BeerJay's Brewing Blog
The candi sugar we are getting is dark candi syrup. After the sugar has been inverted, the sugar is transformed further by heating it to develop significant melanoidins. This darkens it and more importantly adds flavour (fig, raisin, etc.). You can get this from other malts but it is different.
The group discussed this briefly about making our own but its not popular because of the variability and effort. Ultimately we choose to buy syrup. If i have the time, i would like to split part of the batch to try my hand at making it on my own to compare the non barrel aged samples so if you have the time you can too and we can taste…
Cool! Je peux seulment le 23 par contre. Le 30 en soirée, je dois préparer les baggages.
Thanks Mike for the research! I’ll take a single pouch of yeast even though I’ll be brewing a 38L batch (@Louis-Philippe_Pouli au cas ou que nous aurons besoin de plus de bière et à fins de comparaison). I’ll plan to make a big starter. Whatever candi syrup is available works for me.
For the group buy, Here’s the google sheet so that anyone that’s interested can add their names and the needed ingredients. Please add your order by the 27th so I can place it and pick it up on the 29th. We’ll arrange pickup in NDG at some point in August.
Friendly reminder that the deadline to participate in the group buy is Wednesday, July 27th, 6pm.
Rappel amicale que la date limite pour participer à l’achat groupé est le mercredi 27 juillet à 18h.
Puisqu’on semble être assez de participant, ma faire un 40L.