Nettoyage de la pompe du Grainfather

Lors de mes 2 dernieres brasses, la pompe ne voulait plus tournée lors de la circulation du mout chaud dans le refroidisseur… Disont que cest frustrant… La première fois, j’ai démonté la pompe et elle etait quand meme propre. Jai nettoyé l’helice et ca reparti. Hier, meme affaire mais cette fois-ci, jai remarqué qu’on peut retirer l’helice (voir image). J’ai encore nettoyé, bien frotté… À suivre avec la prochaine brasse…

I assume you’ve already checked, but have you taken apart and cleaned the upper assembly as well? I’ve had an issue before where I thought it was the pump, but it was actually some hidden grains behind the ball valve/x-piece.

Also a good run through and back-flush of some warm/hot overdosed oxiclean/PBW can clear some clogs. To back-flush, I typically let the pump run, then turn it off and hold the outlet hose high so the fluid runs back to the bottom of the machine (you can typically see the motion coming back into the kettle). A couple runs of this can usually help unclog any mystery bits.

Yes. In fact, I always remove the ball/spring after my mash is completed. Also, I always wash with pbw at the end of my brewday. To me, the pump was clean but many some gunk may be cause of this…

I had some similar issues when brewing, and I’ve finally decided to just remove the ball and the spring because the spring was pretty much always clogged with grain particules after the mash, but you don’t notice it before the end of the boil of course :smiley:
So now I have less issue, but I need to be careful when I launch the pump, and I can’t control the flow anymore, but honestly that’s fine.

How often do you guys clean the pump? Haven’t had the guts to take mine apart to clean it yet, but I haven’t had real issues with the pump so far

1ere fois avec plus de 100 brasses… Apres chaque brasse, je recircule du PBW pendant 10-15 minutes.

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I never did it, and around 40 beers, but always cleaning with PBW too each time I use it like Eric

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Parfait, je clean aussi avec PBW pendant une re-circulation d’environ 10-15 minutes.

I clean the ball and spring every time. Before starting the cleaning process and after. The PBW can’t dissolve grain bits.

Jme suis tanné… j’ai acheté ceci :
Impeller 6RM
Pump Replacement Parts Accessories Spare Part Impeller Isolation Sleeve Of Magnetic Drive Pump MP10RM/MP15RM/20RM/30R - AliExpress

Et la sleeve :
Pump Replacement Parts Accessories Spare Part Isolation Sleeve Of Magnetic Drive Pump MP15RM/20RM/30R - AliExpress

Ca fonctionne #1.

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Super ça!

Est-ce documenté officiellement (par le manufacturier) que ces pièces fonctionnent pour remplacer celles de la pompe du GF ou as-tu trouvé l’info sur les Internets?

Les z’internets m’ont aidés. J’ai trouvé le plan de la pompe avec les parts number et c’est ce que j’ai commandé.