I sold most of my stuff but have a couple of things still hanging around if anyone is interested.
- 42 x 500ml brown swing top bottles. $1.66/each = $70.
Free shit:
- Ferrari Emily Wing Capper
- Approx 150 gold and black caps
- 10 x EZ Filter 40mm washers
- Misc additives and cleaners:
- Calcium Chloride 22.98g
- Chalk 93.96g
- Epsom Salt (MgSO4) 48.82g
- Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) 103.16g
- Lactic Acid 101ml
- Gelatin 15g
- Irish Moss 14g
- Yeastex 46.5g
- PBW Tablets 30 x 2.5g