Jour 19: Denz par Denis Gadoua

Jour 19! Voici la Denz, une blonde belge pour égayer nos papilles du mardi.

Day 19! Here’s the Denz, a Belgian single to spice up our taste buds on Tuesday.

Thanks for the beer, Denis! I brewed a beer almost identical to this, is the yeast Fermentis T-58?

Such a great style and a great example of on. I miss this style. I would brew this type once a year in early spring and i would enjoy it but i never hit what I imagined. Your beer hits the spot and then some. Thank you!

And i would also like to know the yeast.

Bien apprécié cette ‘petite’ belge. Beau doré, on a la levure plein le nez, Bubblegum, banane et au palais aussi, très sec. Super efficace comme produit merci Denis

The yeast is LalBrew Abbaye. I’m glad you guys enjoyed it.

Aroma has all the yeast character that one would expect. Poured very clear but I could not resist dumping the yeast into my glass, because I love Belgian yeasts. Mouth feel is very smooth with a nice effervescent tingle on the tongue. Taste is bready with some citrus notes. This is a fantastic beer! Thanks for sharing Denis!

Pretty good trappist single! Nice fruitiness. Very drinkable! Light candi flavor and nice fermentation profile

I poured this for my second beer of the night and it’s a beautiful drinker. It has a ton of flavor but is still smooth and balanced to be very drinkable. I get strong peppercorn/clove/banana in the front followed by some fruitiness that comes in later in the sip. The density of flavor makes me feel like this is 8+% beer, but at 5.9 it is a steal!

I’m with the crowd that I love this style and this is a tasty take on it. Thank you @DenisG !

Mousse blanche, épaisse, qui persiste.
Couleur, jaune foncé, petit reflet orange, clair.
Au nez : esther, banane, phenolique.
Au gout : fruity, pear, banana, watermelon, nice esther, wheat, phenolique. Amertume basse, corp rond, sucré et pas trop alcoolique en fin de bouche. Carbonatation haute.

C’est très bon ! J’aime bien le coté fruité et les esther. Je commence à m’intéresser aux bières belges, c’est un bel introduction ! Merci !