Have you noticed how much more grain costs now compared to a year ago? Especially crystal malts!
Compared with an order I place a year ago, I paid $4.40 for 1kg of medium Caramalt from Bairds whereas a year ago I paid $2.90, that’s 50% more!
A bag of 2-row was $34.45 and now it’s $38.80 which is not bad but still 12.5% more than a year ago.
In the end, I don’t really care that much since “it is what it is”; I’m just surprised to see such a huge increase in just 1 year. Is it pandemic related or something else? BTW, hop prices are up quite a bit too…
Je ne sais pas où tu achètes tes grains, mais moi je paye environ 59 $ pour un sac de 25 kg de malt pilsner ou anglais de Innomalt. Et pour les grains caramel, le kilo de Maltbroue se vend 5.75 $. Je n’ai pas noté d’augmentation dans la dernière année pour les grains québécois. Peut-être que dans l’importé il y a plus de variations…
I haven’t noticed much of a fluctuation from the pro level so I think there might be some price gouging going on. I assume you are buying from Moût… Don’t forget, the club lost a lot of its privileges in the past year there.
Let me know if you need bags of grain @DenisB I can help
I just ordered what I need to last me for a while, but thanks!
You know the funny thing about Moût, before the MontreAlers were even an incorporated club, I was getting wholesale prices from Moût. As soon as the MontreAlers started getting their discount, I fell into the pool of members and somehow lost the privilege I had. Even over the last year, I’ve seen a difference in the level of discounts on different products. Now, it’s just a basic 10% off your total bill.
I also suspected that since a lot of their retail customers are members, they raise their prices so that the discount doesn’t hurt them as much; but that’s just speculation.
I’ve come a long way from ordering 40 bags at a time from Canada Malting directly and then distributing it among our members of the club. (That’s what our first group orders looked like back in 2006 when I could get a bag of 2-row for $18.75 or Maris Otter for $32.)
On a side note, look out for the CMC Red Wheat Malt coming soon! Less color, more protein than their usual white wheat malt… Great for those low color summer hefes!