Calendrier de l’Avent 2022 / 2022 Advent calender bottle swap!

Thanks to the club for organizing this! It’s going to be a challenge to keep up with the calendar again this year! I don’t drink all that much during the week!


Might as well make it until Dec 2nd, just to make sure. :slight_smile:

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@Winpunch merci! As-tu plus de détails sur le produit? Dosage etc.

For my beer, Dec 14, I would suggest chilling it 48 hrs before and pour some of it immediately into a glass a lot of room as I carbonated it high (2.8 vol target) and it might creep out the bottle…

Sorry guys

Oops I forgot to add the real name of the beer whe I found the style, but I kind like “Some bad pun” as a name too!

The #18 is called “Thanks Obama…” So rare I don,t use a bad pun as the name

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Salut Norm.

Une Petite NEIPA très fruité, et je ne me souviens plus beaucoup des détails, parce que ce n’est pas cette bière que je devais vous fournir, mais manque de chance je me suis retrouver avec seulement 16 bouteilles, Donc j’ai pris une de mes IPA que je bois régulièrement et je l’ai embouteillé en contre pression.

Je parlais plutôt du sachet de poudre que tu nous as laissé qui serait du nutriment à levure. À quel dosage l’utiliser et quel est le produit exactement.

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Can someone publish the completed google sheet? I was unable to identify 6 of the beer from the descriptions on the calendar. These bottles have no brewers name except the one from Xavier, and I read in the thread that he might add an extra, so that one (#3) is accounted for.

6 beer

The red caps are mine! #19

Left one is Alexandre belisle’s (#21) and the red sticker is from Patrick Ouimet (#22)


The right one (IPA) is #7 from Luc Bureau. It’s a regular IPA, not an NEIPA

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Vraiment nice le calendrier!!! Merci à tout le monde d’avoir participé, vraiment hate de gouter ça !!!


Hi sorry about that just opened the thread tonight. The Snowbird is mine. It’s a mexican lager. Recipe is on the label.

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« Helles sur De Lorimier »
Désolé du jeu de mot. Mdr.
Vraiment super pour le calendrier. On a un pause le lundi, c’est bien ca ! Ca faisait longtemps que je n’avais pas embouteillé, j’ai peur !
J’ai ajouter du Co2 au cold crash pour m’assurer qu’il n’y ait pas oxydation.
Mais quand j’ai embouteillé, je me suis rendu compte qu’elle était déjà pleine de Co2. Risque qu’elle soit « over ou under »…!
Je vais tester une bouteille d’ici 2 semaines. Je vous direz ce que ca donne.
Merci encore pour toute l’organisation, c’est vraiment super.


Une autre bière mystère dans ma boîte.

C’est-tu la bière de Marc-Alexandru Dobrescu par chance?

I got 22 bottles in my box. Is that correct? (2 of them are Denz Brown Ale). Also, some are not labelled.

The bottles marked 19 are from @alacasse . Andre’s bottles showed up after we did the main sorting, so if you picked up from Eric, they’re not in your box, but I have them and can get them to Eric.

@DenisG I’m not sure how you got so few. We only had 21 show up originally so you should have one of every beer we got, plus one extra of your own back. I thought I then added a couple repeats to each box, but I must have missed yours. I will make it up next time we cross paths

OK, no problem.

It has come to my attention that my beer is still mysteriously vague. The bottle marked “Sam” on the red cap is a NEIPA/Hazy Pale, made with nothing but the finest hops, and some cryo-pop hops I found in the back of the freezer at work. The recipe and some of my notes are here: Brewfather and here
f_hDU0UMU7K3O6ov2KG4abvoLWtF62_Brewfather_BeerXML_AStupidSexyHopsIPA_20221128.xml (9.7 KB)

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Thanks. I had labelled that one #22. I didn’t recognize your name. I have a bunch that I gave up trying to number. I’ll just drink them whenever.