La compétition de bière la plus prestigieuse au Canada a ouvert ses portes, et j’ai failli la rater (suis-je le seul ?)
Les inscriptions au MontreAlers Ale and Lager Throwdown (M.A.L.T.) 2024 sont ouvertes à partir du 04/07/2024. Faites vos inscriptions et les payer avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
The most prestigious beer competition in Canada opened , and I almost missed it (am I the only one?)
2024 MontreAlers Ale and Lager Throwdown (M.A.L.T.) registration is open as of 2024-07-04. Get your entries registered and get them paid before its too late.
Just to be sure here:
Info page reads: “Entry paperwork should be attached to bottles by the method specified on the bottle label. (No tape, please!)”
Bottle label reads: “Typically, clear packing tape is used to attach to the barrel of each entry - cover the label completely. BE SURE TO CHECK THE COMPETITION ENTRY ACCEPTANCE RULES FOR SPECIFIC LABEL ATTACHMENT GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING!”
So I guess just secure the label with a rubber band to the bottle?
Thanks for pointing this out. We’ll clarify, but yeah rubber band to hold the label to the bottle. Does not hurt to put clear tape around the label to make it waterproof but please don’t tape it directly to the bottle.