2023 Greg Noonan Memorial Competition Results

Best of Show
1st John Crossett 17D: English Barley Wine - Niagara Association of Homebrewers
2nd James Duclos 16B: Oatmeal Stout - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Thomas McGloine 10A: Weissbier - Saratoga Thoroughbrews

Vermont Homebrewer of the Year
1st James Duclos 2x1st, 1x2nd, 1x3rd - Green Mountain Mashers

Best Homebrew Club
1st Green Mountain Mashers 7x1st, 9x2nd, 15x3rd

Pale American and European Beer
1st Brian Marmoreo 5C: German Helles Exportbier
2nd Guy Grady 1A: American Light Lager
3rd Andrew Roy 2A: International Pale Lager

Light/Pale Ales
1st Normand Cyr 5B: Kölsch - MontreAlers
2nd Craig Evans 12A: British Golden Ale - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Joe D’Auria 1C: Cream Ale

1st Adam Deso 34B: Mixed-Style Beer
2nd Patrick Lalonde LSX5: New Zealand Pilsner - MontreAlers
3rd Brian Marmoreo 3A: Czech Pale Lager

Pale Malty European Beer
1st Dan Acheson 4A: Munich Helles
2nd Andrew Roy 4A: Munich Helles - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Dave Clark 4A: Munich Helles - Green Mountain Mashers

Amber European Beer
1st Dan Acheson 7A: Vienna Lager
2nd Dwight Matthews 7A: Vienna Lager - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Thomas McGloine Lager 7A: Vienna Lager

Dark European Lager
1st Jay Hersh 8B: Schwarzbier - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd John Coloe 8A: Munich Dunkel -Saratoga Thoroughbrews
3rd Deborah And Marc Prichard 2C: International Dark Lager

Wheat & Rye Beer
1st Thomas McGloine 10A: Weissbier Saratoga Thoroughbrews
2nd Tom Slonaker 77 27A8: Roggenbier - Merrimack Valley Homebrew Club
3rd Riccardo Santopietro - 10B: Dunkels Weissbier MontreAlers

Pale British & Belgian Ale
1st John Erste 12C: English IPA
2nd Deborah And Marc Prichard 24B: Belgian Pale Ale
3rd Craig Evans 2023 24B: Belgian Pale Ale - Green Mountain Mashers

Scottish & Irish Ale
1st Seth Farquharson 14A: Scottish Light
2nd Jeffrey Rocker Red 15A: Irish Red Ale
3rd Jeff Simonds & Craig Evans 14C: Scottish Export - Green Mountain Mashers

American Pale Ale
1st Colby Reineke 18B: American Pale Ale
2nd Rick Piet 18B: American Pale Ale
3rd Ryan Leamy 18B: American Pale Ale - Green Mountain Mashers

Amber & Brown American Ale
1st Kyle Ducharme 19A: American Amber Ale - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Jeff Simonds & Erin Ennis 19A: American Amber Ale - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Joe D’Auria 19A: American Amber Ale

Brown British Beer
1st Craig Evans 13A: Dark Mild - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Timothy Wilson 13A: Dark Mild
3rd Monika OBryan & Jeff Simonds 13B: British Brown Ale - Green Mountain Mashers

Irish Stout
1st Thomas McGloine Stout 15B: Irish Stout - Saratoga Thoroughbrews
2nd John Crossett Stout 15B: Irish Stout - Niagara Association of
3rd Ryan Leamy 15B: Irish Stout - Green Mountain Mashers

British Stouts
1st James Duclos 16B: Oatmeal Stout - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Chad Medford 16B: Oatmeal Stout
3rd Jeff Simonds 16A: Sweet Stout - Green Mountain Mashers

American IPA
1st Gary Ruberti 21C: Hazy IPA
2nd James Duclos 22A: Double IPA - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Tim Moore 22A: Double IPA

Specialty IPA
1st John Erste 21B2: Black IPA
2nd Eric Pare 21B5: Rye IPA - MontreAlers
3rd Deborah And Marc Prichard 21B2: Black IPA

Strong European Lager
1st Robert Guthner 9A: Doppelbock
2nd Kevin Wojdak & Jeff Knepper 6C: Dunkels Bock
3rd James Duclos 9A: Doppelbock - Green Mountain Mashers

Strong British Ale
1st John Crossett 2020 17D: English Barley Wine - Niagara Association of Homebrewers
2nd Erin Ennis 17B: Old Ale - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Ian Davis 17D: English Barley Wine - Green Mountain Mashers

Imperial Porter & Stout
1st Joseph Belevender 20C: Imperial Stout
2nd Kyle Ducharme 9C: Baltic Porter - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Jeff Simonds 9C: Baltic Porter - Green Mountain Mashers

Strong Belgian Blonde Ale
1st Colby Reineke 25A: Belgian Blond Ale
2nd Jeff Simonds 25B: Saison - Green Mountain Mashers
3rd Craig Evans 25A: Belgian Blond Ale - Green Mountain Mashers

Strong Belgian Dark Ale
1st James Duclos 26B: Belgian Dubbel - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Chad Medford 26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
3rd Erin Ennis & Craig Evans 26B: Belgian Dubbel - Green Mountain Mashers

European Sour Ale
1st Joshua Clarke 23D: Lambic - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Jonathan Rollins 23F: Fruit Lambic
3rd Craig Evans 23A: Berliner Weisse - Green Mountain Mashers

Fruit Beer
1st Brian Marmoreo LSX4: Catharina Sour
2nd Holly Mulder 29A: Fruit Beer
No 3rd

Spiced Beer
1st Robert Guthner 30D: Specialty Spice Beer
2nd Jeff Simonds & Monika OBryan 30A: Spice Beer - Green Mountain Mashers
No 3rd

Smoke-Flavored Beer
1st Edward Lamothe 32A: Classic Style Smoked Beer
2nd Josh Bye 6B: Rauchbier
3rd Thomas McGloine 32A: Classic Style Smoked Beer - Saratoga Thoroughbrews

American Wild Ale
1st Frank Schneidawind Brett 28A: Brett Beer
2nd Frank Schneidawind 28C: Wild Specialty Beer
3rd Craig Evans 28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer - Green Mountain Masher

PM11 - Wood-Aged & Specialty Beer
1st Erin Ennis 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer - Green Mountain Mashers
2nd Sam Leitkam 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer - MontreAlers
3rd Kyle Ducharme 31B: Alternative Sugar Beer - Green Mountain Mashers


Congratulations to all the winners and a special thank you to all the MontreAlers who entered and congratulations to those who won. Jeff Simonds will contact you about the prizes and how we can get them to you.


  • Jay Hersh

Thank you,Jay, and the entire Green Mountain Masher crew for doing everything you did to include us in your competition (and the meetup at Dunham)!

I believe Eric said he is heading to Vermont at the end of May and can pick up prizes. @vicepresident or @MemberAtLarge to confirm.

Scanning for just our winners I see…
-1st Normand Cyr 5B: Kölsch - MontreAlers
-2nd Patrick Lalonde LSX5: New Zealand Pilsner - MontreAlers
-3rd Riccardo Santopietro - 10B: Dunkels Weissbier MontreAlers
-2nd Eric Pare 21B5: Rye IPA - MontreAlers
American Wild Ale
-1st Frank Schneidawind Brett 28A: Brett Beer
-2nd Frank Schneidawind 28C: Wild Specialty Beer
-2nd Sam Leitkam 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer - MontreAlers

Nicely done, all!


Yes, I confirm. I will meet the Mashers during the memorial weekend (may 26-29th) and bring back all medals/prizes


I have the stuff at home. I can bring them to Sam place next time I’m bringing my bottles for the next competition (before June 7th.).

Frank got a really nice CO2 regulator and Norm got a glass and a 25$ Gift Certificate from a store in South Burlington. (sorry, I should have check before and redeemed it while I was there).

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25$ Gift Certificate from a store in South Burlington

I’ll find a way to use it! Thanks for picking prizes up! And I hope the beer was good South of the border.

Woohoo! Awesome! :slight_smile: Thanks, Eric, for making the trip!

merci Eric!