2022 Barrel aged beer - Members Collab

The article Xavier shared is pretty interesting and well worth the read.
Did they say how long ago it was emptied? Have you had a good look inside the barrel (as good as one can get)? Does it look and smell right? Signs of mold or other infection? Still damp vs dry? I like the idea of wetting the barrel from the outside as the article discusses. We won’t lose any of the flavours inside.

We still need a stand of some sort. Xavier, was it you that had one? If not, it can’t be too hard to build one from spare 2x4s.

I can be available tuesday evening.

We took what was left from the vendor, not much of a choice. We don’t have much more info. We decide to go forward with this barrel since we have no better option short term.

I haven’t open the barrel, i don’t know how for now. I will have more time next week. We can check it out tuesday if you want.

I do have a homemade stand


Norm vient demain (mardi) pour qu’on vérifie le baril.
Vous êtes les bienvenues ceux qui veulent y participer!

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Très bien. À quel heure? J’amène mes fûts.


19h30, cogner au garage.

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Pis, il est comment ce baril?

Norm a pris quelques photos. Ce n’était pas facile sortir le bouchon. 1" de bois, solidement installé. L’intérieur est sec, mais semble en bonne condition. Patrick va l’aroser tous les jours en espèrant que ça absorbe un peu d’eau et qu’il soit étanche. On ne voulait pas rempir la barril d’eau et perdre trop de ses qualités. Il a un très agréable odeur de bourbon.

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Le baril semble être en assez bon état. Comme Kurt l’a mentionné, il paraissait sec à l’intérieur mais il y avait une bonne odeur de Bourbon.

L’ouverture du bung (en bois) n’a pas été facile comme en témoigne les photos. Nous n’avions pas l’outil spécialisé tel qu’illustré ici.

Patrick va aussi aller visiter sa succursale de la SAQ préférée et va acheter une bouteille de bourbon pour mouiller l’intérieur du baril. Et en plus d’arroser le baril, il va laisser des serviettes mouillées sur le dessus du baril pour aider à humidifier le tout.


I’m getting more and more worried that it may not be completely leakproof after reading up online.

Maybe we should fill it with water first to be 100% sure? I’d rather lose some bourbon flavour than beer. And if we add a bottle of bourbon after, we’ll get some of that back.

What do guys think?

You can get some barrel sealing wax to help stop any small leaks that may occur

If we aren’t sure if it will leak, I agree @Norm, we could fill it up and check and the get the water out as soon as it stops leaking or shows that it won’t leak.

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That is something we should have thought about before. I don’t think it can be bought in town before Friday PM.

OBK sells it but it is likely not going to arrive on time.

@MemberAtLarge do you guys at Overhop could spare a chunk if you have some?

Yes, I have some to spare


Unless someone else has time before Friday evening, I’ll be picking some wax from Tristan in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu on my way back from Sherbrooke.

Thank you, Tristan (and Overhop) for sponsoring the wax!

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If you don’t have time, or if it’s easier for you, I could go Friday afternoon.

Any consensus on filling up the barrel with water today or tomorrow to give it a leak test? Since the stand isn’t there yet, it could be filled halfway while standing upright? Emptied and flipped over and half filled again?

BTW, saw this article from a Cooperage website that says barrel wax is just bee’s wax or parrafin wax. I have a block of bees wax that I can bring friday, just in case. @Norm, if St-Jean is significantly out of your way, then we can potentially use this wax instead.

It’s a good idea to try to fill it partially while it is standing as we do not want to apply too much pressure on its bilge in the absence of a stand.

@PatLalonde will you have time to give it a try?

Regarding the wax, Terry has offered to picked it up.

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I have parrafin and I wouldn’t fill it with water. Beer is so viscous that I doubt it will leak very much.

From my previous experience, the barrel did leak a little bit but it stopped after a few days.

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Looking at the photos, is that a cracked stave next to the bung hole?

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